While your computer isn't normally the biggest expense you'll encounter in your life, nor is it generally the most important, it's still a large enough expense to warrant a lot of time and effort in making sure you do it right. You'll ask around for comments, critique, opinions, feedback and all manner of other, similar terms before finally shopping around and finding a retailer - and a price - that you're happy with.
Sometimes, though, that happiness is short lived. Not because you made the wrong choice, but because when you open the box there's something just not quite right.
A home PC and gaming enthusiast's take on hardware. Also hopefully to feature a few tips and tricks that come up along the way.
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Monday, 5 January 2015
An apology and an explanation
For the few people who were possibly hoping this blog would go somewhere, I can only apologise. I originally started this page when I was going through a decent bit of PC gadgetry and hoped to share my experiences with other people, though as you can see it didn't exactly last long.
That having been said, I'm not giving up entirely. I'm still planning to update this as I get more goodies - I just can't predict with any degree of accuracy how long it will be between posts, or even the topic of each post. Since I have no idea what I'm going to be getting next or when I'll be getting it (since I have to pay for it myself) it's all up in the air. I'll also refrain from posting more "opinion" posts, since they seem to be about as popular as a flat tyre; though I can't promise they'll be completely gone.
Hopefully things will pick up for a little bit. I don't have anything new as yet, but I am looking into doing some things with liquid cooling in the near future. Those who've done it will know that there's a whole heap of things which can (and do) happen when setting up your first loop, and those who haven't may benefit from my experiences; whether they're successful or not.
That having been said, I'm not giving up entirely. I'm still planning to update this as I get more goodies - I just can't predict with any degree of accuracy how long it will be between posts, or even the topic of each post. Since I have no idea what I'm going to be getting next or when I'll be getting it (since I have to pay for it myself) it's all up in the air. I'll also refrain from posting more "opinion" posts, since they seem to be about as popular as a flat tyre; though I can't promise they'll be completely gone.
Hopefully things will pick up for a little bit. I don't have anything new as yet, but I am looking into doing some things with liquid cooling in the near future. Those who've done it will know that there's a whole heap of things which can (and do) happen when setting up your first loop, and those who haven't may benefit from my experiences; whether they're successful or not.
Tech Tip: Handbrake part 3
It's been a while since proverbial drinks but I finally have some more information to share, in this case with regards to Handbrake. Once more I've conducted a huge amount of testing and, while I still can't say that I'm happy with the results, I'm actually quite prepared to share what I consider my final Handbrake settings and the ones I plan on using going forth.
So, if you haven't given up on me yet, allow me to present you with my 3rd attempt at Handbrake settings!
So, if you haven't given up on me yet, allow me to present you with my 3rd attempt at Handbrake settings!
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